Dr. Adriane B. Randolph is the founder and executive director of the BrainLab, inaugural Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Discipline Coordinator for Information Systems, and an Associate Professor of Information Systems in the Michael J. Coles College of Business at Kennesaw State University (KSU). She received a Ph.D. in Business Administration from the Department of Computer Information Systems at Georgia State University and a B.S. in Systems Engineering with Distinction from the University of Virginia (UVA).
Prior to academia, Dr. Randolph worked for Accenture, a leading information technology and management consulting firm, implementing change
management and human performance tools in the federal government sector
in Washington, D.C.

Ty acts as nürltec’s CMO and lead product marketer guiding the development of advanced biometric technology into useful B2B biomarketing research services. He bases much of his work on his published research focused on consumer-neuroscience with specific application to product development, human interface design, branding and neuroplasticity. Ty’s primary focus is on helping others apply principles rooted in human psychology and behavior into their product and communications strategies. He brings a multidisciplinary approach to his work with a Bachelor’s focused on marketing, entrepreneurship, supply chain and operations, and industrial design from the engineering-focused Georgia Institute of Technology.

Chris brings a long history of Enterprise Sales Experience to the nürltec team, often working directly with C-Suite Executives. Among his prior occupations, Chris served as a Study Director for Murray Hill National in Atlanta, GA, where direct responsibilities included client-facing aspects of conducting traditional focus groups for several Fortune 100 corporations. This provided him with a unique understanding of the inner workings of market research with specific regard to assessing data and devising a plan of execution to generate tangible results. Working with nürltec’s chief advisory board and as acting CFO, Chris is the financial architect for effectively constructing studies, some of which carried out globally while ranging a variety of countries to complete. As a serial entrepreneur and top-rated podcast host, Chris primarily focuses his efforts on emerging technologies with high-growth potential.